Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Red and Orange Clothes

There are people in the world who use public washers to dye clothes. Even though there are signs posted everywhere--do not dye clothes in the washers!

Now maybe I am a little too trusting....

I go into a washateria on a beautiful day and put my white clothes in a washer and start the machine. Later I go to take out my clothes to put in the dryer, and my white clothes have red and orange spots and lines in them from somebody who dyed some clothes in a previous wash.

Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!! A whole batch of clothes ruined!!!

If you are one of those people who never thought the actions of another can and or would affect and effect you....remember this posting....we all are connected good and bad!

1 comment:

  1. Ms. DePass.
    I heard you on The Story this week, and fell in love with you, your stories and your mother and father!

    Thank you for sharing your poignant stories and for writing this blog!

    dawn s.
